Whoah, Matt - you GOT me with that ending! Great story which then turned really chilling (but still great) at the end there! :D

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Thank you Rebecca! It only took me a couple days to put it together. When I first saw the subject matter, I thought, "Great what do I know about that?" Then, it just came to me.

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I enjoyed the story and wouldn't have guessed about a mermaid, except that the picture hinted we might see one at some point. I figured Justin's mom would play a part, but you kept me guessing until the reveal!

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Great! I'm glad you liked it.

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Oct 13, 2022Liked by Matthew Murray

Hey, fun story Matt! I liked it. It was well-written and an easy read.

As far as some constructive criticism goes, had you not told me it was about mermaids, I never would have known. Just reading the story, I would have thought it was about death or ghosts. I also think it was a bit slow in getting to the subject matter. Granted, I know you had very limited words to work with and it's tough to get the point across within those constraints.

Like I said, though, all in all, a great job!

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Thanks Mark! I knew you would provide what I needed, having already done this. After thinking about it, I think I know where I could have set that up better. Thanks again.

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Oct 13, 2022Liked by Matthew Murray

Anytime Matthew and glad I could be of some help :)

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